A word from the RMeS Director

Welcome to our Laboratory

First of all, I would like to thank you for visiting our website and for your interest in the activities of the Regenerative Medicine and Skeleton (RMeS) laboratory.
RMeS is a research center that was initially created in January 2017 with the endorsement of the National Institute for Health and Medical Research (INSERM), the Nantes Université and the ONIRIS national veterinary school. RMeS has recently been successfully renewed for the next 5 years (2022-2027) and will associate for this 5 years period of time, the Angers University as an additional affiliation.
RMeS, namely the UMR 1229, is mainly located in the School of Dental Surgery building, at the Nantes University Hospital campus with also additional research spaces in the School of Medicine, the Nantes Veterinary School and the Biomedical Health Institute of the Angers University Hospital.
RMeS gathers about 130 people including medical doctors, veterinary surgeons, pharmacists, dentists, biomaterial scientists, biologists, chemists, physicians, tissue engineers as well as PhD students and undergraduates. RMeS is made of two independent research teams (REJOINT and REGOS) surrounded by 6 technological platforms and shared administrative departments.

The aim of our lab is to support basic, translational and clinical research pertinent to the 4R medicine (ie. Replace, Repair, Regenerate and Reprogram) related to skeleton diseases and aging. The skeleton diseases originates from developmental abnormalities, growth impairment, repair dysfunction, aging or acquired pathologies. Among these diseases, we are particularly interested in discovering new therapeutic strategies for osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, discarthrosis, periodontitis, rheumatoid arthritis and tendinopathies. Due to the increasing clinical situations where skeletal tissues are lost or compromised (bone, cartilage, teeth, disc..) we also focuse our research efforts on the use of stem cells, calcium phosphate ceramics and hydrogels for the development of reconstructive therapeutics. We also have a particular interest in the development of bioinks, organoids, and organ on a chip technologies by bioprinting to model human diseases and discover new therapeutics while limiting animal experiments.

By formalizing an interdisciplinary approach, and providing researchers with a functional organizational structure, RMeS aims at offering a strong support and stimulating environment for exploring the limit of knowledge in 4R medicine.
INSERM, the Nantes University, ONIRIS and the Angers Université, together with their associated University hospitals, have a wealth of talent and knowledge in different biomedical fields, and our Medical Campus has had a long tradition of encouraging collaborative research notably in the fields of biotherapies and regenerative medicine. Therefore, I am delighted to take part in continuing and enhancing this mission by leading the RMeS research center. For both our research teams, technological platforms and administrative services, the challenges of osteoarticular 4R medicine are plain to see. We are at the cross-road of breaking discoveries that could help manage joint and skeletal diseases and foster the paradigm shift from the “well ageing” to active ageing with a healthy skeleton.
I invite you to join us in this exciting mission and opportunity. If there is anything I can do to make your RMeS experience more enjoyable, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Sincerely yours,

Prof Jerome Guicheux, RMeS Director
Mis à jour le 11 August 2022.